Restorative yoga classes

Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.

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Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.


Deep relaxation of the body, mind and spirit, using props.

A style of yoga practice using props and postures held for longer periods of time to initiate deep relaxation of the body, mind and spirit. Restorative yoga is beneficial to balance a more active practice or decompress after a stressful day.


Level 1 60 mins

This relaxing class is designed for those wanting to tend to their lower back, focusing specifically on the pelvis and SI joint. You’ll explore musculoskeletal and mystical viewpoints, noticing the sacrum’s physicalities and spiritual aspects. Move slowly through somewhat unconventional variations on poses using lots of props, including Cat/Cows, Anjaneyanasana, Supported Half Bridge, Supported Half Locust, Gomukhasana, and Supported Savasana. This class previously aired on November 29, 2023.


Level 1-2 45 mins

Nourish your lower body by reversing the effects of gravity, opening your hips and lower back, and sinking into restorative leg-focused postures. Start in Legs Up The Wall Pose, then Supine Figure Four and Cat Pulling Its Tail leads to Half Butterfly and Restorative Fish. This class previously aired on November 9, 2023.


Level 1 45 mins

Offer yourself time and space to unwind in this replenishing class, perfect for before the holidays, before bed, or when you just need to let it all go. Give some love to your hamstrings, lower back, hips, and poses while moving slowly through Reclined Butterfly, Reclined Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose, Supine Twist, and Supported Bridge. This class previously aired on November 7, 2023.


Level 1 60 mins

Guide yourself back into a state of well-being in this class that unravels tension. You’ll move slowly through intuitive movements, focusing on your breath with space for contemplation. Enjoy Cat/Cow variations, Sphinx Pose, flowing Low Lunge variations, Supported Reclined Hero Pose, 90/90, and Thread The Needle. This class previously aired on October 8, 2023.


Level 1-2 45 mins

This practice is designed to counteract the effects of sitting for long periods, like post-travel or after a long day at your desk. Open your front body from your hip flexors and quads to your shoulders and chest while moving slowly through Saddle Pose, Anahatasana (Melting Heart Pose), Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Butterfly), and prone Frog Pose. This class previously aired on September 26, 2023.


Level 1-2 45 mins

Calm your nervous system as you open the full length of the back body, from your hamstrings to the back of your neck. Move slowly through prop-assisted postures, including Restorative Fish, Child’s Pose, Prone Twist, Cobbler’s Pose (Butterfly), and Seated Forward Folds. This class previously aired on September 19, 2023.


Level 1-2 60 mins

Relax into this whole-body practice that guides you into a deep state of calm while honoring the transition from summer to fall. Bring yourself into balance with Mother Nature in a gentle prop-assisted sequence, including Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Butterfly Pose), Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Fold), Reclined Twist, and Supta Padangusthasana (Reclined Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose). This class previously aired on September 19, 2023.


Level 1-2 45 mins

Release tension and improve flexibility in your legs and hips in this class that offers breath techniques blended with restorative postures to create more space in your lower body. Move through a slow, relaxing sequence with Legs Up The Wall, Dandasana, Double Pigeon, 90/90, and Seated Straddle. This class previously aired on September 12, 2023.


Level 1-2 45 mins

Gently open your shoulders, chest, and upper back as you soften into postures and regulate your nervous system. Enjoy a slow pace through Restorative Fish, Supine Twist, a Child’s Pose variation, Sphinx, and more upper-body-focused poses to finish feeling calm and connected. This class previously aired on September 5, 2023.


Level 1-2 45 mins

Restore and support your lower body in this class that targets your hips, legs, and ankles with long-held poses. Focus on using your breath to relax into Reclined Butterfly, Seated Figure Four, Caterpillar Pose, Supine Gomukhasana, and Supported Straddle. This class previously aired on August 31, 2023.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Feel your entire body soften and relax through Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Butterfly Pose), Supta Sukhasana (Reclined Easy Pose), Child’s Pose, and Legs Up The Wall. Then, store these sensations in your muscle memory so that you can access them time and time again. Grab props like bolsters, pillows, or cushions to support you in finding complete comfort. This class previously aired on August 14, 2023.


Level 1 30 mins

Feeling unsettled, restless, or indecisive? This class is for you. Focus on techniques to calm your thoughts using slow movement. Reclined Butterfly Pose, Reclined Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose, Child’s Pose, and Seated Forward Fold will create space in your mind and body for deep rest. This class previously aired on July 20, 2023.

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