Take Online Classes with Alex Artymiak

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Become a Glo member today. With thousands of classes for every interest, experience level and schedule, all taught by world-class teachers, we make it easy to integrate yoga and meditation into your daily life.

Alex is a yoga, meditation, and breathwork teacher based in Santa Monica, California. Though he started his yoga journey seeking strength, balance, and flexibility as a way to improve his surfing skills, he soon realized that these abilities reflect a deeper and more powerful shift taking place within.

Alex sees yoga as an energetic practice that manifests in the physical body. This philosophy shines through his practice and teaching style. In his classes, Alex speaks to awareness and feeling as much as technique and form, intuitively guiding you to explore greater physical depth.

Since his first teacher training in 2011, Alex chose to dedicate his life to studying yoga and has since taught over 5,000 classes, led retreats around the world, and lectured on yogic philosophy and meditation in teacher trainings. His philosophy, “keep your spine long, your breath strong, and your mind on” is a formula for presence and clarity on and off the mat. His classes will leave you feeling clear, connected, and empowered to shine your light for yourself and everyone around you.

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Level 2 45 mins

This practice gives you space to breathe, feel, and connect with your body. Flow through a simple yet slightly challenging sequence that offers progressions targeted for your spine, including Lizard Lunge with a twist, Malasana (Squat) with a side bend, Humble Warrior, Side Angle, and Revolved Triangle. This class previously aired on December 14, 2023.


Level 2 45 mins

Focus on the feeling of the present moment to connect deeply with yourself in this practice that features grounding postures and standing balances. Explore a steady yet mild flow with Anahatasana (Melting Heart Pose), Embryo Pose, a Down Dog variation, Figure Four, Warrior III, Triangle, and Half Moon. This class previously aired on December 12, 2023.


Level 2 45 mins

This practice simply gives you space to breathe, feel, and connect with your body. Flow through an easy-to-follow sequence that targets your hips, including Supine Figure For, Chair variations, Standing Figure Four, Warrior II, Horizon Lunge, Half Moon, and 90/90. This class previously aired on December 7, 2023.

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